• North Thunderfuck Automatic
  • North Thunderfuck Automatic
  • North Thunderfuck Automatic
  • North Thunderfuck Automatic
  • North Thunderfuck Automatic
  • North Thunderfuck Auto
  • North Thunderfuck Auto + 3

North Thunderfuck Auto

North-Thunderfuck-Auto-Samen erfüllen viele Kriterien und werden sicherlich Grower jeder Couleur ansprechen. NTA rast in wenigen Wochen vom Samen zur Ernte, geht jedoch keine Kompromisse ein, was die Potenz angeht (sie enthält 22% THC). Falls Du schnellen Umsatz und ein euphorisches High suchst, hast Du gerade Dein nächstes Projekt gefunden!
(109) Eine Rezension schreiben
Anzahl der Samen:
€ 6.65
€ 17.50
€ 26.25
€ 49.00
€ 98.00
Reduzierter Preis!
€ 17.50

€ 25.00 (-30%)

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North-Thunderfuck-Auto-Samen: Schnell und stark

Was Sortennamen angeht, hat North Thunderfuck Auto sicherlich hohen humoristischen Stellenwert. Aber wie Du weißt, haben Cannabissorten viel mehr als nur ihren Namen zu bieten. Finde heraus, warum Du in Deiner Growbox oder Deinem Garten Platz schaffen solltest, um diese Sorte auszuprobieren.

North-Thunderfuck-Auto-Cannabissamen: RQS‘ autoflowering Version von Matanuska Thunderfuck

Erfahrene Züchter bei RQS entschieden sich, der originalen North Thunderfuck, eine Sorte, die wegen ihres hohen THC-Gehalts und ihrer euphorischen Wirkung beliebt ist, einen Hauch von autoflowering Genetik hinzuzufügen. Nachdem unsere Züchter sie mit einer Ruderalis-Pflanze gekreuzt hatten, standen diese erhebenden Buds nun viel schneller zur Verfügung.

Wirkung und Aroma der Sorte North Thunderfuck Auto

Was ihre Potenz betrifft, stellt die Sorte North Thunderfuck Auto die meisten anderen Autoflowers in den Schatten. Mit einem THC-Gehalt von 22% serviert sie ein schnell wirkendes High, das den Geist anregt; sie stellt eine hervorragende Wahl für den Morgen dar, sollte Dir der Sinn nach einem Muntermacher stehen. Darüber hinaus wird ihre lebhaften Wirkungen von komplexen Zitrus-, Kiefer- und Skunk-Aromen begleitet.

Anbaueigenschaften von aus North-Thunderfuck-Auto-Cannabissamen gezogenen Pflanzen

Du denkst darüber nach, North-Thunderfuck-Auto-Samen eine Chance zu geben? Folgendes könnte Dich erwarten. Im Grow Room wachsen die Samen zu Pflanzen mit einer Höhe von 70–140 cm heran (durch Trainingstechniken wie LST lassen sie sich kompakter halten) und produzieren 500–550 g/m². Wenn Du Dich für den Anbau im Freien entscheidest, werden die Pflanzen eine maximale Höhe von etwa 150 cm erreichen, wobei jede einzelne bis zu 140–180 g abwerfen kann.

North Thunderfuck Auto data sheet
Art der Sorte: Autoflowering
THC: 21%
CBD: Niedrig
Ertrag Indoor: 500 - 550 gr/m2
Ertrag Outdoor: 90 - 140 gr/plant
Höhe Indoor: 90 – 140 cm
Höhe Outdoor: 120 - 150 cm
Blütephase: 8 - 9 Wochen
Erntemonat: 10-12 wochen nach dem keimen
Genetischer hintergrund: North Thunderfuck x Ruderalis
Art: 45% Sativa, 50% Indica, 5% Ruderalis
Wirkung: Aufmunternd, Körperlich entspannend
Klimazone: Lange Sommer
Geschmack: Erdig, Limette, Skunk

    Von B. N. Am 28/Aug/2024 :

    Anrede : spettacolo 10/10
    Kommentare : ha colpito in pieno. Tutte le aspettative sono state anche sforate

    Von B. K. Am 09/Aug/2024 :

    Anrede : Nice flow
    Kommentare : Alles super gelaufen. Sehr stabile Pflanze, und super Ertrag und super wirkung

    Von P. H. Am 31/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : Pete
    Kommentare : The delivery was quick and the additionally added seeds are also great strains. Every seed of North Thunderfuck Auto startet to grow. The plants look good and healthy with nice buds. Actually they are in the 8. week. I'll be happy, when I can test them. Thank you RQS !!! :) Cheers, Pete

    Von D. V. Am 17/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : Beginners delight and Pros antistress grow material
    Kommentare : This strain is robust, relatable, quick with rather impressive results. I've now grown it for the third time. And every time I'm astonished. Needs no babsitting. Relatively maintenance free. And you can be sure it will be done in time. All in all a clear recommendation for everyone.

    Von J. A. Am 02/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : Grew like a champ
    Kommentare : This beauty grew fast and big! Before I knew it I was flushing and now it’s harvest time. Easy grow for beginners and she don’t mind being topped off as a auto 😎

    Von M. A. Am 21/Jun/2024 :

    Anrede : M.a
    Kommentare : Alles bestens.Gerne wieder . Wäre ist top

    Von B. M. Am 11/Jun/2024 :

    Anrede : Marie
    Kommentare : Super récolte et j adore son goût

    Von D. F. Am 11/Jun/2024 :

    Anrede : North Thunderfuck
    Kommentare : I had problems germinating my first seeds from RQS and realized what I was doing wrong. I have ordered many strains through RQS and have been impressed with the quality. Reading your blogs, I am finishing this strain currently. I went to RDWC system and WOW!! The growth and speed has left me floored!! This plant has grown bigger and faster than anything I have ever grown. The aroma leaves me drooling, the buds are huge! Canopy is nice and even and they buds look as if they were dipped in sugar! Can’t wait to taste!

    Von C. S. Am 30/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : Big yielding plant
    Kommentare : Love this strain. Did 120 grams from one plant. 4x4 tent under 720watt full spectrum bar light. 5 gallon fabric pot. She didn't mind having her branches tied down and grew up tall and wide. Have another one about ready for harvest now that was a week behind. Looks similar if not bigger then the first.

    Von Y. S. Am 30/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : Yansei
    Kommentare : Alles schnell und in bester Qualität angekommen, bin sehr zufrieden!

    Von S. E. Am 09/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : Northern "HOLY" Thunderfuck
    Kommentare : I have not grown for many years and when I did, I never had anything like I have going now. I am trying to learn from my mistakes in the germination stage. Once past that, there is nothing really more for me to do except sit back and wait. I started with 3 200W lights from IVISII. I grew this one along with 2 F1 Hybrids. This plant has been growing what seems out of control, dwarfing the F1 hybrid. Let me tell ya the F1 is growing great and if not for this one in the middle, I would be happy to grow F1 all day long. It is near harvest and the buds are big, smelly, and sticky. But getting back to the NHT, it is Massive. At least 2x the size of my others. The stems are big and thick. Tall as well. The plant looks like a bush. I may need all the lights combined as it is near budding stage. I wish there was a way to post a picture here just to show you the size. I can't wait to see what the buds will turn out like. I am growing hydroponics for the 1st time ever. For being a rookie, I am feeling pretty proud of my girls. TY RQS

    Von J. L. Am 09/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : These ladies are fantastic!
    Kommentare : I'm not a super experienced grower, this is maybe my fourth run of growing indoors. Most of the autoflowers I've grown (Diesel, Watermelon) end up leggy, no matter how much I play with the lights. And the Tyson 2.0 Sour D that I have in one tent is no exception. But my second tent has two North Thunderfuck Autos in it, and I am blown away at how compact and dense these things are. 4 weeks in, and they are only about 12-15 inches tall, but the internodal spacing is like 1 inch. It's so bushy and compact, and has been completely problem free aside from me having to do light trimming of fan leaves around the underside. Trimming aside, these are definitely as close to "sow and grow" as you're going to get as far as difficulty is concerned. I check on them maybe every 3 days or so, and I am always greeted with mountains of new growth and that fantastic smell. The stems are nice and strong, leaves are perky, and the smell is glorious. Super excited to try it out after it finishes up, but if the veg stage growth and vigor is any indication, the flower on this is going to be phenomenal, and it may become the seed I recommend to all the local first-time growers. Great stuff! Tents: 2'x4'x7', 4" duct fan for ventilation, 2x4 LED (ACInfinity) 18on/6off/1 hour fade in/out, 6" oscillating fan, growing in autopots, using Mills standard nutes on the medium feed schedule with distilled water, in coco-coir + perlite in about 60/40 mix.

    Von M. O. Am 25/Apr/2024 :

    Anrede : Wonderful daily
    Kommentare : Happily set myself up on this all day, smooth whole smoke leaving a refreshed satisfied feeling every toke. A pleasure to grow and very manageable throughout, will be revisiting this one.

    Von P. O. Am 09/Apr/2024 :

    Anrede : Patryk
    Kommentare : Very powerful strain when good treated 🥰🥰

    Von N. M. Am 28/Feb/2024 :

    Anrede : Grew amazing
    Kommentare : Great plants handle stress well amazing furity earthy pine tones

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